A Question of Place
The Carnegie Commission's poetry that defined public radio 30 years ago waxes eloquent about the "bedrock of localism." Yet while all public radio stations are local, all public radio programming is not.Two questions keep emerging as managers wrestle with local programming investments.
Do listeners appreciate the geographic localness of programming as much as many of us do?
Do listeners consider it important that their public radio stations reflect their geographic communities?
While the answer may vary from station to station, AUDIENCE 98
® finds several clues strongly suggesting thatgeographic localism is a more compelling concept among many public broadcasters than it is among most listeners.
No single statistic tells us this conclusively. But we do see a number of consistent indicators.
In terms of sheer hours on the air, local programming dominates the schedules of most public stations across America.
But theres as much listening to network programming as there is to local principally to NPR news magazines and a short list of major, nationally distributed shows.
Most listening to network programming happens when the available radio audience is at its peak. But placement alone does not account for its over-contribution to listening.
The audiences loyalty to network programming is 32%. Compare this to its loyalty of 26% to local programming.
Public radios network programming clearly exerts a stronger pull. On the measure of loyalty it serves our own audience better than our local programming does.
We might guess that this is, at least in part, a function of the higher quality of major network programming. But we dont know for sure.
Personal Importance
Listeners are more likely to consider network programming more important in their lives than local programming.
For every five public radio listeners,
two consider network programming more personally important than local programming;
one considers local programming more important;
and two rate network and local programming the same.
Individuals assessments of programming's personal importance are strongly influenced by their listening. For instance, those who dont listen to local programming are unlikely to consider it important in their lives. Similarly, those who listen heavily are much more likely to consider it important.
However, something more than sheer use is involved in a listeners assessment of personal importance.
That something is "uniqueness."
Programming Uniqueness
Listeners who consider network programming more personally important than local programming believe strongly that "public radios news is unique, not available on commercial stations."
But those who say local programming is more important than network programming are not more likely to say "the music on public radio is unique...."
Are listeners telling us that network news is unique and local music is not? Because the questions were not posed this way, this conclusion is speculative. But its quite logical, as most listening to network programming is to news, and most listening to local programming is to music.
We do know for sure that
the personal importance listeners attribute to network programming includes a component of "uniqueness," while their assessment of local programming does not.
"Local" Versus "Community"
The definition of what is "local" has changed significantly in 30 years. New communication technologies have created the "global village," bringing the worlds news and culture into our homes as a daily reality.
Most of public radios educated listeners have adapted easily to these changes. They have become, as Bill Siemering once imagined, "citizens of the world."
For them, "community" has transcended geographic boundaries to mean an association of shared beliefs and interests.
Listeners with a "sense of community" a concept introduced in the "Givers" report feel a strong resonance with public radios social and cultural values and seek it out when traveling or moving residence. They are also more likely to be givers.
Given their world view it should come as no surprise that
listeners who say network programming is more important share a stronger "sense of community" than do listeners who prefer local programming.
In other words,
a persons use of local programming does not contribute to this sense of community; his or her use of national programming does.
Unfortunately, because of how the questions were asked, we do not know from this study whether it is the "news" or the "national" component of network programming that contributes most to this sense of community.
More Questions Ahead
So do listeners appreciate the geographic localness of programming as much as many of us do? And do they consider it important that their public radio station reflects its geographic community?
Not only is network programming generally a stronger audience draw, it is more important in the lives of many more listeners.
The personal importance people place on network programming transcends their listening. They find it unique, and through it share a virtual community defined by values, beliefs, and interests.
Given the information at its disposal, AUDIENCE 98 can find no evidence that listeners feel this way about programming produced locally.
These findings are clear, but far from the last word. They offer strong guidance for further research and additional thinking.
David Giovannoni
Jay Youngclaus
Leslie Peters
AUDIENCE 98 Core Team
For More Information
This report highlights the tensions between two communities those defined by geographic proximity and those defined by shared interests and values.
Network programming is currently the most effective at serving the latter, engendering as it does A Sense of Community that transcends location. This key AUDIENCE 98 concept was introduced in the Givers report to help explain why listeners consider their public radio station to be an important part in their lives.
But what about station programming efforts to serve truly local interests?
In May of this year Springfield, Oregon became A Place in Question. In a thoughtful essay written in the aftermath of the high school shooting deaths, KLCC Program Director Don Hein suggests how a "community" station can effectively address unique local needs.
This is difficult, as the concept of "local news" on public radio is about as foreign to listeners as "network music." What Do Listeners Think When They Think of "Local" and "National" Programming? Click here to find out.
Navigate the Report
A Question of Place A Sense of Community A Place in Question What Do Listeners Think When They Think of "Local" and "National" Programming?
Examine the Statistical Analyses Behind the Report, Part 1
(38 pages; 158,272 bytes)Statistical Analyses, Part 2
(12 pages; 69,692 bytes)
Audience Research Analysis
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Revised: September 01, 2000 12:38 PM.