Rounding Up the Usual Suspects
Does public radio appeal to the children of Baby Boomers? Is public radio serving racial and ethnic minorities? Will classical musics older listeners die soon? And if so, will they take classical music with them?
Like Casablancas police prefect Louis Renault, AUDIENCE 98 rounds up these usual suspects, knowing full well they arent the genuine culprit.
Public radios audience is a virtual community of educated Americans drawn by the values, beliefs and interests of its programming. Age and sex, racial and ethnic background, income and social status each and every one is a phony suspect a beard, a shill subservient to the real mastermind: education. Education lurks behind the answer to every question about the audience.
The usual suspects, however, continue to distract us. Once again, its time to line them up and expose them.
Rounding Up the Usual Suspects Public Radio's Minority Audiences Public Radio's Generation X Audience Public Radio's Older Audience Getting to More with the Concept of Core
Audience Research Analysis
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Revised: September 01, 2000 12:38 PM.