The Buck Stops Here
Information has value only if its used.
AUDIENCE 98 is the kind of comprehensive study that public radio invests in just once every 10 years. While we know it has a cost, we dont know yet if it will have a pay-off. The buck stops here, with you.
Pioneer public broadcaster Ron Bornstein once observed that public radios history is that of individuals, not institutions. Individuals, taking initiative, shaped our industry. Their accomplishments are evidence that each of us, as working professionals, can make a difference.
If the past is prologue, it will be individuals again who seize the day, proving the value of AUDIENCE 98 by acting on its lessons in their daily work lives.
This last chapter tells such a story of individuals who took AUDIENCE 88 off the shelf and used it to substantially enrich a stations public service and public support.
Audience Research Analysis
Copyright © ARA and CPB. All rights reserved.
Revised: September 01, 2000 12:38 PM.