Many people have worked on
AUDIENCE 98®. The combined vision and persistence of two, in particular, have made it work:David Giovannoni, its chief architect and thinker, brought a quarter-century of leadership in audience research to the project.
Rick Madden, CPBs Vice President for Radio and the systems prime mover, brought a reluctant Giovannoni.
Major contributions also came from
AUDIENCE 98s Core Team:Leslie Peters approached the project as a personal, 18-month quest to advance the industry by fitting right-brain data to public radios left lobe.
Jay Youngclaus assumed primary responsibility for
AUDIENCE 98s statistical analyses and graphic presentations, and offered many ideas from the refreshing perspective of a public radio newcomer.Industry professionals also helped. In a unique experiment,
AUDIENCE 98 offered non-researchers the chance to set its agenda and present its results.Dozens of programming and development professionals submitted nearly 100 proposals to its competitive Associates Program. Although 1998 was too short to pursue all of their ideas, the front line views of the following individuals kept the study focused on practical, actionable information:
Michael Arnold, Ellen Burch, Jay Clayton, Peter Dominowski, David Freedman, Kim Grehn, Jeff Hansen, Don Hein, Ingrid Lakey, Steve Martin, Carol Pierson, Israel Smith, Vicki Staudte, and Frank Tavares.
Thanks go to the
AUDIENCE 98 Advisory Panel: Tom Thomas and Terry Clifford of the Station Resource Group; CPB Research Director Janice Jones; SoundPrint Media Center President Moira Rankin; and public station programmers Arthur Cohen of WETA and Steve Martin of WAMU.The project has drawn from other deep wells of knowledge and experience. George Bailey and John Sutton have unselfishly offered constant streams of ideas. Their collaboration on the
AUDIENCE 98 seminars, with the indefatigable Barbara Appleby and Marcia Alvar, proved that researchers, marketers, programmers and managers can work together to make public radio a stronger, smarter public service.AUDIENCE 98 has also been assisted along the way by Karen Akerson, Matthew Alshab, Steve Behrens, Anna Maria de Frietas, Deb Giovannoni, Carla Henry, Kent Kroeger, Chris Mandra, Chris Montgomery, Craig Oliver, Roberto Quiroga, John Riggin, Lisa Nakerud Ryan and Kay Tuttle.
Audience Research Analysis
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Revised: September 01, 2000 12:38 PM.